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Recently leaving Costa Rica I started to reflect, and if Costa Rica had taught me anything it is to be grateful for everything I have. Such a simple concept that becomes very real, very quick. There, we were so blessed at both of our ministries! I’m going to list some things that bring me joy and that I have especially been grateful for in my time in Costa Rica.

fresh fruits & vegetables
cold cup showers (since it was in the 90s everyday)
ANY type of shade
rain! didn’t see much of it but grateful for every bit!
the most amazing community!
chocolate bananas
great hosts
worship nights
fruit & coffee breaks
rice & beans for every meal
a comfy sleeping pad
any type of cold drink
google translate offline
a 30 min walk to wifi
a Father who loves me unconditionaly

These are just a few! Some of these might seem so small and even silly, but each brought so much joy! I would encourage you, even if your schedule is the same very single day, too seek out the things that bring you joy! Maybe even write them down or start keeping a gratitude journal, it will put into perspective how blessed we are in this life the Lord has given us!

2 responses to “joy in the little things… costa rica edition!”

  1. I think it is wonderful you are experiencing life as others do on a daily basis. We do take so many things for granite. I am sure you are effecting lives you aren’t even aware of. Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures in missions and also with the Lord.

  2. Sara, thanks for the reminder for us to count our blessings for ALL the things God so graciously provides for us. So many people focus on what they want or what they don’t have that they miss the enjoyment and blessing from what we do have!!! See you in less than 2 weeks! We can’t wait!!!